Misty Grubbs » Algebra 1 or Algebra 1 Advanced

Algebra 1 or Algebra 1 Advanced

Algebra 1 is a state tested area and is one of the state tests required to pass for graduation. In my class we will use the Desmos App which can be downloaded for free on cell phones, www.desmos.com, the TI-84 calculators which can also be used on the ACT. You can purchase a $4.99 from the app store for iphones to go on cell phones of graphing calculator that is like the TI-84 and get full access. Desmos and the TI-84 can be used on the state test also. We will also use the students' clever accounts for them to access mathnation to do algebra nation work where they can watch videos of different teaching styles teaching them, extra practice problems, chat and help area there to go along with their workbooks that we use in class and can use at home also. I am very proud to be featured to be on the back of the  2021-2022 workbooks this year as a teacher in Mississippi and also an employee of Math Nation for the use of these in my classroom. Overall in Algebra 1 we are striving to gain the knowledge of algebra to prepare for algebra 2 and ultimately college level as well as life.