Check on your child's school work.

Thank you to all the parents who have been diligent during this school year ensuring your child completes his/her work. You have helped your child on the path to becoming a successful adult member of society.
When students do not complete and submit assignments on time, a grade of zero is earned. Students who do not achieve passing grades will not receive credit for their classes and will not earn units toward graduation. Students who don't do the assigned work will be required to repeat classes and/or grade levels. Failure to complete assigned work could also result in failure to qualify for graduation.
Our goal is for all of our students to be successful. Parents, please help us by checking on your child's work daily. Asking them if they did the work may or may not be sufficient. Check their Canvas. Check Active Parent. Contact their teachers. Don't wait until it is to late to be concerned about what your child is doing in school.